Link Crew leaders are our freshmen’s knights in shining armor

Student leaders Aiden Smith and Samay Ramachhita talk about Link Crew and planning events like the Freshman Luau


Larissa Lopez

Aidan Smith and Samay Ramachhita are determined to make a huge impact as Link Crew leaders this year.

For the better part of the last decade, Colton High’s Link Crew program has been helping out incoming freshmen with anything from simple things like finding a classroom all the way to super challenging things, like how to balance high school life.   

Link Crew is one of the three leadership programs at CHS, the other two being ASB and Renaissance. What makes it unique is that it is entirely oriented around the Freshmen class. All of the events they plan are, in one way or another, related to Freshman engagement. 

Link Crew leader prepares a poster for tonight’s Freshmen Luau. (J. Dollins)

Link Crew is comprised of a group of upperclassmen dedicated to offering as much support and advice as they can to ensure freshmen have a fun first year experience in high school while learning to make good decisions along the way. 

For some freshmen these Link Crew leaders can be seen as saints, but sometimes these knights come in lightweight zip-up sweaters, love Dr. Pepper, or wear outfits that could easily win multiple ‘Best Dressed’ awards.

Link Crew leaders Aiden Smith and Samay Ramachhita both see Link Crew as a place for personal growth that gives them the opportunity to help people along the way. 

Samay’s personal journey into Link Crew looked a lot like “. . . learning how to step out of my comfort zone and start being a lot more out there.”

Both joined Link Crew to become more engaged with the high school scene by increasing their involvement.

Link Crew works hand in hand with ASB and Renaissance, so they do a lot of the same type of work when it comes to school events like the annual Freshman Luau. 

“The process itself is really cool. Everyone splits into groups and focuses on their own subject (posters, backdrop, etc),” Aiden explains, “It really is like magic in a way where everyone communicates together to prepare for the Luau deadline.”

Link Crew members actually start working way ahead of time to meet deadlines for events. The Luau alone requires all hands on deck from the second day of school until the day of the Luau to prepare. 

Link Crew leader bids Freshman “Aloha” on a poster for the Freshman Luau. (J. Dollins)

The team works together to craft decorations, posters, dreams up game ideas to push freshmen to socialize with each other as well as other Link Crew leaders.

Creating good relationships with their freshmen is one of a Link Crew member’s goals. That’s why students like Aiden and Samay are in their ranks. They are positively friendly. 

“I think I’m at my best when it comes to the social aspect,” Samay shares. “I like to build personal friendships with my freshman while also making sure they’re on track and focused on school.”

The push for socializing with both Link Crew and freshman is overall a positive experience for both parties. Link Crew members get the opportunity to become more confident in themselves as leaders and freshman get more confident in their ability to survive high school. 

“I would say that Iam good with looking at things from a different perspective and always trying to find a way to help,” expresses Aiden. “I try really hard to think of advice that I can give to Freshmen to help them because I know that it is tough. With this, under my own will I am constantly trying to find something I can do to relieve some stress from another peer.”

No matter how shy they were in the beginning, Aiden and Samay are prime examples of what Link Crew members can be; leaders.