Grateful Gobbles – Nov. 4


J. Dollins

The CHS community is showing gratitude all November in daily “Grateful Gobbles”

To celebrate November as the month of gratitude, the Pepper Bough has invited staff, students, and community members to answer that traditional Thanksgiving Dinner table question: “What are you grateful for?”

Leslie Cruz, School Improvement Office Project Manager

“I am grateful for my husband because he supports me here at work, at home, with my daughters, and mostly because he supports me at school. He is my biggest cheerleader!”

—Leslie Cruz, School Improvement Project Manager



Linda Cañas, Assistant Principal Office Secretary

“I am grateful for the amazing, kind students that come into this office who offset the ones that don’t always come with kindness.”

—Linda Cañas, Assistant Principal Office Secretary




Wendy Lopez, Counseling Office Secretary

“I am thankful for my daughter, Mia, because she is a little piece of me!”

—Wendy Lopez, Counseling Office Secretary