Is Kai Greene the most fit to survive?

Christopher Rodriguez, Reporter

The arnold classic is a competition for the most elite strength and bodybuilding athletes. It consist of  IFBB pro bodybuilders in the heavyweight division and the classic physique division. The other parts of the arnold classic is the strongman,powerlifting,and women’s physique. There are six arnold classics in the world they are in Ohio, Asia, Brazil, Australia, Europe, and South Africa. It all leads up to the Mr. “Olympia” the ultimate competition to see who worked the hardest and who has the best genes.

The latest competition was the arnold classic in Australia. For the heavyweight IFBB pros, Kai Greene a force to be reckoned with has stolen the title for arnold classic winner for three competition. His muscle maturity and amazing genes had put him on the top spot for the competitions. His strongest areas are the sweeps of his triceps and his legs. He would take every title so far because of his superior posing.