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Keeping Colton High School Informed Since 1917

The Pepper Bough

Keeping Colton High School Informed Since 1917

The Pepper Bough

Keeping Colton High School Informed Since 1917

The Pepper Bough

Ezra Ochoa

Ezra Ochoa, Staff Writer

Ezra Ochoa is a freshman at Colton High School who works for the Pepper Bough. This is his first year working for PB and is looking to have a successful year. He lives over in San Bernardino, but spends a majority of his life here in Colton. Although this is his first time at CHS, all of his older siblings have gone here, giving him a good idea about how things work around the school. He loves to write about what is going on with people and how they feel about the things going on in the school. And a fun little fact: he barely turns 14 on Sept. 1.

All content by Ezra Ochoa
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Ezra Ochoa