The Strange Case of Griffith Park

The Strange Case of Griffith Park

Gabriela Gonzalez, Reporter

          Maybe people think that every park is haunted, or maybe scary when it is dark at night. Well, there is a specific park that is haunted and scary at the same time, and this park is called The Griffith Park.  Some information about the Griffith park is that it is near the hollywood sign. This park it even popular because they shoot the batman movie there in one of the caves. So batman drove his little batmobile, it is also the original bat cave. But there are a ton of other stuff that has happened at this location. There is 2 or 3 hicks you need to do to get to the cave and the haunted bench that two people that had died. Thing that has happened at Griffith park is that there are satanic cults, prostitutes, murders and other more that happens a lot of time around there. When you are walking you can see a cave and it leads to the other side but there are rocks making a circle and when you keep walking you are gonna see an Indian Burial Ground. If you don’t know what and Indian Burial Ground is, it is a historic Native American cemetery on  Narrow Lane in Charlestown, Rhode Island. Now part of a larger municipal park (suck as Grffith Park),the small cemetery is believed to have been the burying ground for leaders of the Narragansett and Niantic tribes. And this Indian Burial Ground is surrounding the mountain. And just keep in mind that the whole Park of the Griffith Park is haunted. Even the mountains.

When you are in the caves it is really dark that it looks like it was burnt that maybe someone was doing a ritual there and the caves caught on fire. I am saying this because in the cave there is a figure that looks like a face that it is in the walls so this place is really haunted. There are 2 faces in one wall. Another thing is that maybe when you are in the cave to long you can sometimes hear things in the caves with you when no one is in there with you. The entire park  has so many stories to it and to much to the park. The second stories that make this park haunted it is a picnic table and i’ll explain why it is haunted. The way to get to the picnic table you have to go on a specific trail and it will end at the picnic table.

But, the story about what happened that cause to make the picnic table haunted is that on Halloween Night, October 31, 1976 a young couple in their 20s there were experiencing a romantic moment. So they went to the picnic table at Griffith Park then during their romantic moment there were crushed to death by a giant falling tree. Both were killed at the same time by the same tree. But rumour has it that 10 years before, the police found a young girl in her 20s as well just there laying at the table dead. Then 10 years after a tree falls over and kills two more people (the couple) also in their 20s on the table DEAD. The two couple that has died by the tree they were celebrities back then one was an actor and the other one was a Musician. Their names were Randy and Nancy but when you try to search for some of their personal information you won’t be able to cause that is not out there only about the story about there death. One night a formal park ranger had a run in with the two ghost in 2002. He saw two sets of red eyes and after his flashlight failed and everything went quiet, he felt suffocating and freezing cold. Then a voice whispered to him “leave us alone” and he smelled the smell of death. So the park ranger left. But what do they see on a daily basis you may ask well they see hanging suicides, animal sacrifices, satanic cults, murders, prositiution and stuff like that everyday. So this park is really really haunted you can maybe hear things, see things, or feel things, but whatever  just know that this place is really haunted and dangerous.