All You Need to Know About Health

All You Need to Know About Health

Armand Ramon Trujillo, Reporter

Health has become the biggest epidemic in the US from the time we start school to the time we get that first Happy Meal. About 32% of American adult males are obese while 35% of woman in America are obese. This would mean that now that we put it on TV’s for children to go outside and get exercise for a hour. Like on cartoon channels like Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and even the famed Disney channel. Making it to where children even need to go out and get exercise.

This only proves that even our children are becoming obese. That about 37% of children in America are obese now. Not only from the stuff that we feed our children at home but even from the school lunches.  Which only proves that we need America skinny again is what it is. We need the president of the United States to step up just as Michelle Obama did for our youth of today.

Not only this but everything in America has to be big the bigger the better is what they say. Well no it shouldn’t be like that because it’s harming our future, for our kids and ourselves by giving us high cholesterol, diabetes, and other harmful diseases from obesity. The way we could lose weight and get a proper diet would be to start eating healthier like the pyramid charts that are supposed to be supported by schools. This would not only benefit America but it would benefit the people suffering obesity to start seeing changes and want to make changes within themselves. Start by a simple walk around the park till u are ready; it all starts by crawling then making those steps.