Colton, CA—On Feb. 22, the Colton Lions Club hosted its second annual speech competition at the Gonzales Center. A new theme inspired this year’s speakers, asking the question “For A Better World, What Would You Change?”
Six Colton students participated this year, with the top prize of $100 going to Genesis Rodela for her speech about how one’s self-perception is the root of self-love.

Other participants included Sienna Fernandez, Arturo Flores, Matthew Monge, Hailey Munoz and Diana Ruvalcaba. Each received a check for $25. All spoke passionately on topics such as consumerism, personal insecurities and education.
“Our students were poised and passionate,” said English teacher Abigail Humphrey, who attended the event. “The judges were impressed with their delivery.”
The competition was a tight race given that all the speeches were well-written and spoken. Each student had already competed in a preliminary round after school in order to determine the top six from a field of eight. That event was judged by a team including teachers Lucy Leyva, Abigail Humphrey and attorney Jessica Garcia.
Speech advisor Lucy Leyva was impressed by the quality of the students’ work and professionalism. “I have been to many speech competitions,” she said. “Our tryouts compared to so many professional competitions. Students were poised, prepared, and professional, even at the tryout level. It was so difficult to judge. I’m truly grateful for the group of judges who helped me evaluate these amazing students.”
Rodela, who recently came in third at the Rotary Club Competition on Feb. 9, will now participate in the Lions Club’s zone competition on Mar. 13 at 6:00 p.m. It will be held at the Rialto 1st Baptist Church.