COVID-19 Vaccine: Side Effects and What to Know

Valentina Velarde

As we all may know COVID-19 has done some damage over the past year such as, temporarily shutting down public places such as stores, schools, salons, ect. Causing a pandemic and nearly 31 million people within the US have contracted the virus and 560,000 people have died from alone in the US. Well the former president had mentioned how there was a vaccine being created multiple times throughout the year but that’s besides the point. Now that the vaccine is here and people are able to receive it let’s go through the rundown of it all. Let’s talk about how the vaccine works, only 0.1 mg of the vaccine is being Inoculated into human test patients. The main ingredient is RNA which is given to human cells to create spite proteins, just like the ones seen from the CoronaVirus. If you wish to learn more about the Vaccine there will be a video link ahead. How the COVID-19 vaccine works

Now that there is a vaccine people had already been expecting some negative side effects from the vaccine, what are those side effects? Tiredness and or fatigue, headaches, muscle pains, chills, nausea, fever, and chills. Now not only does the vaccine come with its own side effects, the vaccine itself affects people in different ways as well. It was said that women under the age of 40 are to experience side effects more than those women who are older. Younger people are also able to notice side effects more than those who are much older apparently but I am not really sure if those statements are true. Please do your own research before getting the vaccine as some ingredients can be highly allergic to some patients, and the vaccine will be mandatory for those who work in a specific job or field. You can also find where to get the vaccine on VaccineFinder to help you or someone you know. Vaccine Finder – Find COVID-19 vaccine locations near you Please visit the site for more information.