I’m sure we have all heard of the new app that everyone is playing or talking about. 4 pictures one word is a total hit , everyone is playing it and using other people’s help to level up. For now I can say this is the app that many of Colton high school’s attendees are playing.
This app is a game with approximately 300 levels starting at 1 you must guess a word with only four pictures. At the bottom you are given a mixture of letters and an amount of slots to fill the word in while above there are the four pictures. The pictures all have something in common which you must figure out , some easier than others. This game is fun and addicting say many students because the word can contain only three letters but can make you think really hard and then end up being something like cat. Players say that this game is an exercise to your brain , because immediately you begin thinking of a million words but the one word you are looking for is so simple that you never think of it. This makes the game so addicting because you are dedicated to finding the correct word and using your mind over and over thinking what this can be. This game helps you analyze one image and connect so many different things to all the pictures.
The game is not only popular at Colton high school but also to many adults and average people around the United Sates. The game has had a hit on facebook, instagram, and twitter . A lot of players are taking snap shot images of the current level they are on and posting it on their accounts to get others help and input on the image. Many face book accounts are filled with 4 pictures one word images and comments about what the word could be. This app has really had a hit on a lot of people especially here at Colton high school.