Enough of trying and never reaching the end; it’s time for change. Colton High School’s AVID started a program recently called FINISH. The program provides freshmen who are at risk of failing or need assistance with certain classes with helpful seniors in AVID. The seniors are setting an example to others to show that change can happen and with the help of others things, even grades, can change.
It’s a program like many out there that are designed to help others. If yourself or someone you know is interested in helping or getting help let anyone from AVID know. This program can be the change in your grades and alter the way you look at school for the remainder of your time here.
They are able to help people with work, or if anyone has any important projects and needs guidance you can head their way. It’s a very helpful program, so take advantage of it and help them help you. You can arrange meeting times on Mondays and Wednesdays throughout the day. For more information on the program, or if you’re interested, contact the AVID advisor, history teacher Peter Goldkorn in room 305.