Childish Gambino calls out everything wrong with America in new music video

34 year-old rapper, Childish Gambino is starting conversations with new music video.



Kimberly Castellanos, Reporter

Rapper Childish Gambino released his music video for his said to be final project titled, This Is America. The video has already reached over 143 million views since it’s release on May 5th and fans from around the world are already finding the hidden message in the video. Many fans have interpreted the video as Gambino’s way to call out everything wrong with America’s obsession with guns and the NRA. The country as May 17 has had over 100 mass shootings this year alone.

Gambino at the beginning of the video is shown dancing and singing in an empty lot to an uptempo beat but, eventually, the tempo switches to a darker theme and Gambino pulls out a weapon and shoots a man. The 34-year-old rapper is interpreted as America herself, causing havoc among the nation.

At the 2018 Met Gala Gambino finally commented about his video to the press saying that “I just wanted to make, you know, a good song. Something people could play on Fourth of July.”

That is nothing close compared to what the creative director Ibra Ake had to say. “ As creators who are kind of marginalized with our voice, we try to make stuff in a vacuum in a way where we’re not influenced by what was made before us, which usually—in the media specifically— comes from a white world and a white infrastructure or a system that is controlled by white people,” Ake said. “So even with this video, we kind of reduced it to a feeling—a very black feeling, a very violent feeling, but also a very fun feeling.”

Even the creator of the popular Netflix show Dear White People, a had his own analysis of This Is America. His analysis is that it was telling the history of black oppression and it depicts the false promises of freedom in America. What he had also taken from Donald Glover’s comment on it being a song for the fourth of July was it is a day where America’s values are celebrated which really only shows just how much more the lyrics of the song and the images of the video are urgent.