Spring Pep Rally brings Class of 2018 together for end of school year

Aneesa Arana, Sports Desk

Colton High school’s ASB and Renaissance planned a fantastic Spring pep rally for their peers, to end off a great school year! For many, this was the last high school pep rally they would endure. Many of our seniors joined in the spirit week, which was quite exciting. ASB planned ahead for the pep rally and got the finishing touches done just in time, thus the great rally occured. Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors of ASB contributed to their classes posters that were held on the top of each section where they were seated. Personally my favorite was the Sophomore poster, which Alondra Garcia and Citlaly Estrada worked on. There was so much detail in each and every part of the decor for the rally.

Preparation Before

Conboy, Goldkorn, and the contributing students were working quick, without bother, to get all the decor put up just in time. The dancers/performers were perfecting any faults of their routines, parents and volunteers sat in front of the cheer team for moral support while they were practicing and performing. Marching Band came into the gymnasium about 30 minutes before the first rally began; to prepare and set up their instruments. Lizvett Muro, a sophomore piccolo player, said that she was super excited when she got into the gym, “there was so much going on, it was amazing! I think we were prepared and we did a really great job especially during the dance performance.

First Rally

The first rally was amazing, the students were hyped and ready to do their class yells! Conboy started off the rally by welcoming and thanking the students/faculty for coming out to see what they came up with. Two students of ASB came to announce rest of the pep rally, including the games. We started off by doing a game where two students would get a basket and roll to capture as many balls with the baskets as they could, in a certain amount of time. Once the game was over, we did another game. The most exciting part of the entire rally was seeing the prom court. Students from Colton Middle School visited us to hold the posters for prom court, they also observed the rest of the rally.

Leave Room for picture

The performers did their routines well, Cheer had a bit of a spill when they were lifting Adriana but they redeemed themselves with Cassie Franco’s flips. Their routine was spot on, with a great beat to go with it. Jasmine Camacho, sophomore cheerleader, stated that they got a bit nervous when they were lifting Adriana. “We knew she was going to do it well, but it was just one little part of the routine that we knew was hard to do. We finished off strong and it went exactly how we hoped during both rallies.” Indeed, the routines were fantastic, they practiced hard. The Poly Dance group came out and performed with drum line, it was a huge surprise. Poly started their routine off slow, with a bit of a faster strong during the middle of it. Most of the crowd noticed that drum line was getting ready to walk in. Their movements for the performance were quick but amazing. The was line of them that stood in the middle of the dancers. After that we did our last class yells of the year, for some it was for the end of their high school career. Emilia Mosqueda, a Senior and Link Crew leader, said “it was an emotional and bittersweet moment of the day when we ran onto the main floor of the gym to get in a huddle. It was exciting.” They grew up, worked hard, and they all became close friends during all four years and since they only have about 30-40 days left of their career it was a great moment to put in their memories.

Second Rally

After the great first rally, we kicked it off with one more for the rest of the school. Students went to their class sections and waited for it to begin. The rally was very similar to the one before, one thing did change. Since prom court was already announced during the first rally, this time the court partnered with each other for their walk around the mat. The Cheer girls did a perfect dance, they cleaned up the one mistake they had. Poly did great as usual, with the surprising drum line again. It was an exciting moment for all of Colton High’s students when they did their class yells. Class of 2021 did a great job, it was completely different compared to Class of 2020 last year. Class of 2020 were very quiet and kept to themselves, unfortunately. Class of 2018 and 2019 competed in a little battle of who could yell their years the loudest. Seniors won because of their determination and the throwing of their confetti.


The pep rally was amazing, like always. Being a Sophomore, going into my Junior year soon, it excites me when I get the chance of being involved. The classes were super loud and excited for the end of the year. Another great rally for the books; ASB, REN, Polynesian Dance, Cheer Squad, and Marching Band hopes that everyone enjoyed it!