Whitmer Auditorium ghost still haunting campus?
Is our stage and theater haunted? You be the judge. But, not alone, at night. The place is creepy.

October 22, 2016
Do you believe in ghosts?
Well you might just start to, because rumor has it that Colton High School’s own Whitmer Auditorium is haunted!
It is believed that Colton’s venerable theater, first erected in the 1950s, has been hunted for years. Senior Abigail Humphrey has been in acting for Colton high since freshman year and agrees with Colton’s rumors. “If you’re in there alone [inside the auditorium ], you can feel the vibe, it’s scary,” she says.
Now we all know about the scary vibes we all have claimed to feel at one time or another in the auditorium, but has there ever been an actual encounter with the ghost? Humphrey has yet another story to tell: “My friends and I were in the theater hanging out after a performance when one of my friend’s dress lifted straight up! No breeze, no wind, there was nothing that could have made it lift up like that. It was a scary moment.”
Sounds pretty spooky, right? If you still don’t believe, here is one more expert on the “Whitmer Ghost,” our very own Assistant Principal Vic Schiro, who says, “Yes, there is a Whitmer Ghost, but no one, including myself, has ever seen it. But I have heard noises. I was in the secret places with people, and we kept hearing things, I believe it’s a mother and daughter haunting us. There were houses here before the auditorium was built and who knows what happened there?” He smiles, perhaps to ward away a shiver. “All I know is that something’s in there!”
Many questions remain about this story, including these “secret places” and what happened in the houses here before– but for now students of Colton High will choose for themselves to believe either the Whitmore ghost is real or not.
Do you believe in ghosts?