It may sound like something out of a science fiction movie, but Google will be bringing SELF DRVING cars to the world sooner than you know it.
According to Google, self-driving cars will help a lot of people who are unable to drive. Another benefit is the possible reduction in road accidents, congestion, and fuel consumption. People are going to be driving these cars all over the world in just a few years.
Google stated that the main cause of car accidents is reckless driving from the vehicles being operated by us humans. So they want to “take over” and make the cars do the driving, reducing the risk of car accidents. They have already driven these cars over the Golden Gate Bridge and around Lake Tahoe. Nevada and California and a couple other states are already permitting these driverless vehicles to be driven around in public!
Yes, the car drives all on its own, with passengers, but the passengers will be able to take over and drive manually at any time. The cars have a big light radar sensor that detects anything within 200 feet in every direction. Some people’s concerns are that will they stop for pedestrians or animals crossing the street. And that is what these highly advanced sensors will do, to make your driving as safe as possible.
Two accidents have already occurred with the Google cars. One car that was being test driven was crashed right near Google’s headquarters but was being driven manually at the time of the impact. In the other crash, the Google car was rear ended at a red light by another car. Both incidents were cause by the humans operating the car! So this is why Google feels the need to eliminate the weak link in the chain—the human driver.
The vehicle is a 2 seater, but the cars will advance allowing more passengers to ride, along the line. The cars will not be cheap obviously, and right now can only reach a speed limit of 25 miles per hour. That will increase if the tests go well and they can make it possible to go faster but keep it safe.