Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, directed by Stephen Daldry, follows the journey of young Oskar Schell (Thomas Horn) whose life is altered drastically after his father Thomas (Tom Hanks) is killed in the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks.
Oskar rummages though his father’s closet after his passing only to discover a mysterious key. Convinced his father left the key on purpose, Oskar decides to make it his personal mission to find out what the key belongs to. On his search to find what the key could possibly hold, he meets a variety of people with different stories and discovers that they each person can relate to him by sharing stories of their sadness and loss.
This movie gives a unique view point which is not from someone on the plane, in the building, or a by-stander, but instead the view point of a child who is grieving from the loss of a loved one. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is truly an inspirational movie that covers the affects of the September 11th attacks in a way that gives audiences an opportunity to see it through the eyes of victims’ families. This film is one that will always be remembered and will have an impact on many people nationwide.
The film itself is very well constructed, moving, and played out very nicely. It is also filled with lots of emotion and drama, making it very entertaining to watch. It is relatable to almost anyone, considering we can all relate to the events of September 11th in some way or another. I definitely would recommend this movie to everyone because it makes you think about not only the affects of the attacks, but rather life itself.