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Keeping Colton High School Informed Since 1917

The Pepper Bough

Keeping Colton High School Informed Since 1917

The Pepper Bough

Keeping Colton High School Informed Since 1917

The Pepper Bough

Jorslint Jaramillo

Jorslint Jaramillo, Copy Editor

Senior Colton High School Student. Hispanic. Prefers to be referred as They/Them. Artist; enjoys drawing in their freetime and even enjoys writing. Mostly keeps writing to themselves but will show their pieces if they judge it safe enough. Enjoys singing and, if you’re lucky—or unlucky depending on the individual—you may hear them singing at lunch. Or in class if they slip up. Avidish reader: Enjoys reading suspense and mystery, and especially graphic novels and Manga. Loves “Death Note” manga series (probably reads too much of it for their own good). Will gladly refuse your suggestions whether it be because you were rude or because they prefer to have their advisor to give them suggestions. Nothing more to read, Good day to you.

This is their third year writing for the Pepper Bough.

All content by Jorslint Jaramillo
Snow Day

Snow Day

Jorslint Jaramillo, Pepper Bough Editor
March 9, 2023
"Finals Season"

“Finals Season”

Jorslint Jaramillo, Pepper Bough Staff Writer
January 28, 2023


Jorslint Jaramillo, Pepper Bough Editor
October 12, 2022
Labor Day

Labor Day

Jorslint Jaramillo, Pepper Bough Staff Writer
September 8, 2022
Last Bell

Last Bell

Jorslint Jaramillo, Pepper Bough Staff Writer
August 29, 2022
Sub Day

Sub Day

Jorslint Jaramillo, Pepper Bough Staff Writer
August 19, 2022
First day of school . . .

First Day of School

Jorslint Jaramillo, Pepper Bough Staff Writer
August 9, 2022
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Jorslint Jaramillo