Girl’s Varsity Soccer Falls to Hillcrest High

Jessikah Ybarra, Reporter

As we approach the month of November all the winter sports are beginning their season. Girls varsity soccer has been going at it since the last few weeks of July for a soccer tournament, took August off and had tryouts in September. With losing 13 seniors last year, this year’s team is completely new and young so it’s going to take a bit of time for all the girls to get used to each other and how everyone plays. Tuesday, November 7th the girls had traveled to Hillcrest High School in Riverside for a little scrimmage. Hillcrest is ranked number one in their league and with Colton moving up to the same division as Hillcrest, we weren’t ready for that type of physicality and speed. The girls gave it all they got but was unable to keep up with them. The girls have an interesting season ahead of them so good luck ladies.