Football is an American sport we all love, but who knew that slamming heads together could cause a death of a young man? This popular sport caused the pain of many people in Riverside, California.
Last Tuesday Tyler Lewellen, Junior at Arlington High School, died from what doctors believe was a football injury. The Thursday before this loss everyone gathered at Rubidoux High School to watch the scrimmages. No one there could imagine the tragedy that would come. Ariington played three games that day and on the last game, the last play, Lewellen walked off the field and collapsed. The young football player was rushed to the hospital where he underwent brain surgery. He unexpectedly died on Tuesday, which was devastating for all the Arlington Lions. On Wednesday night the community gathered together to pray for the teen that made everyone laugh and gave everyone his heart. Why is football so popular? It’s a sport that can cause mourning of many family members and friends. Would you risk your child’s life for a game?
How do we know our boys here at Colton High are safe from any harm? When asked about the safety precautions token by Colton High, Athletic Director Scott Sunderland explained how the athletes must get a physical signed by a doctor he also responds with, “we can only put the procedures in place.” He says how they will only let the students play if they get checked up and the doctors sign and fill out the physical form. What if those physical forms are lied on or a doctor never really gave them a physical. When asked about false physicals, he gave a short relation to one of his acquaintances that did that exact thing. He says that we have to just put trust in the doctor, trainer, parents, and athlete. Which makes sense because everyone’s honest right? Wrong: people lie, a lot, and they will most definitely lie to win the championship game or even just to beat the rival.
The conclusion is football is a dangerous sport, but the question is, will you risk it all for a game?