Opinion: Yellowjackets got lucky, now must be more cautious than ever
Masks should be worn on the sidelines to make sure COVID-19 doesn’t wreck the football season.
August 28, 2021
Since school reopened and sports have attempted to return to normal, COVID has entered the redzone.
We have to now start questioning if it is a good idea to continue sports in the current pandemic.
A report went out this week that a Colton High football player tested positive for COVID-19. This resulted in practices being canceled this week as student-athletes had to be tested.
Some players had to go into quarantine for 3 days.
No one else tested positive for the virus, however this brings into question whether they should continue to play sports, football or otherwise.
Though players think it is safe to be outside without a mask, COVID may have different plans.
During the game vs. Alta Loma, players huddled on the field, not a single mask in sight.
We have seen the NFL play during this pandemic, and they are being tested regularly before games. Maybe Colton should take a page from that play book.
Certainly, Colton High wants the best for its students on and off the field. To do this, there are some easy solutions that should be considered:
Masks should be worn in locker rooms and sidelines until time to be on the field.
Players should maintain a safe distance from each other while on the sidelines.
Students should also keep their masks over their noses at all times they are required to wear them.
Teachers are already making sure students keep their masks on during class, which is a good start towards keeping students and staff safe for in-person school.
Colton High’s football team should be the example for how to play safely and keep COVID off the field. We got lucky with this week’s scare, which means we need to be extra careful so that it doesn’t happen again, or get much worse.
With or without COVID, football is an important thing for high school students. COVID has taken a lot from us, so why should it take another part of school life?