Should Students go back to School?
February 24, 2021
As we all know, no students are in class right now and that is for one reason, and that reason is very much known. The question is, should students be allowed to go back to school during this pandemic? There are already schools that are opened. However, about 6 months ago there was an outrage surrounding the topic about kids and teens going back to school, parents were protesting, and it was a hot mess. Some schools out of the country have already started school because they had a plan and those countries now have no pandemic, countries such as North Korea, Palau, Samoa, and the list goes on. The former President demanded schools to be reopened and if not opened, he threatened to defund them. Betsy Devos, who is the secretary of education and said that she was still waiting on further insight from the CDC. So she had no plan but still opened schools anyways in hopes it will go back to normal like nothing. So the issue here is that there was a concern of the health of the teachers and that was important to me because the teacher is put around several kids and they need to go home to their kids, and that’s dangerous which is understandable. Here is a video on it
Should Students go back to school? The video has some moments but it does have some good points all the way 0-3:20
But that video was months ago we are talking about now, the pandemic was getting worse at some point but ever since the curfew the cases aren’t rising to crazy high rates. As a student I believe that we should wait a bit more then continue if everyone else is willing to do so but with an organized plan. We want teachers to be comfortable with going to work during these times and us students need to bring that understanding of we need to be smart and safe. Yes I believe we should go back, even the teachers want to go back but they worry about the issue as well. but if the pandemic worsens for some reason then opening schools would not be necessary.