Advice from a working high school student

Frankie Delgado, Reporter

Being a working high school student is very stressful for many reasons. By being one myself I find that I never find time to do anything other than going to school, work and sleep. I definitely find it difficult to handle long hours at school after a long day at school and work. It takes a lot of strength mentally to not be so drained after a whole day of attending to others, cleaning, cooking and serving. I know that getting my own money feels great but it has affected my life negatively. I have seen a drop in grades for the very first two weeks that I was working, however, I stopped myself as I figured out what works best for me.

After getting the hang of how to handle work and school I found my grades going up once again. I was so ecstatic to catch up to my grades in order to save them from going down even further. When you see a student who works and goes to school you should give them props because it’s difficult to try to learn after a hard day of work. At school, it’s so tiring that I just want to sleep all day before I got to work again. I got the hang of things by letting myself do my homework at school the day that it´s assigned to save me time at home. I saw that when I do the work at school I find myself less stressed as I did the work already and I am able to give myself more hours to sleep before I work again. Because of this, I am able to handle both my job and school.

You just need to find what works best for you in order to continue to excel in school. If I never struggled like how I did then I would have been struggling still. By maintaining this schedule and routine I find that I´m doing even better than before so in a way having a job while still being in school makes me work even harder. I’m able to push myself to my limits to show that I can do anything that I put my mind on.