Students acquire a snack bar at Colton High

Jasmine Santos, Reporter

Every school has their own way of making money. Fundraising definitely as a huge impact with how they’re making this money but as a whole, many schools themselves do not do many fundraisers. Therefore ASB or leadership has a huge impact on the schools extracurricular financial state.What many schools have learned is that having snack bars during school hours on campus can have a huge impact on the money that the school is raising or trying to raise. The last two high schools that I attended understood that having a snack bar was truly efficient and a good idea

Colton High School is definitely missing the opportunity they have to make a lot of money for the school by not having a snack bar on campus at all or even during lunch. For one this campus is huge, and clearly has a high number  of students attending. As a student who attends this school myself I can speak for many others when I say we do not like the school lunch provided though we are forced to attempt to eat it when there is nothing else to eat and we are hungry. Though if the school had a snackbar it would prevent students who are probably grossed out by the lunch provided to actually eat and give the school money at the same time. This would benefit not only the students but also the school. This would be one of the easiest ways of fundraising for the school, and work efficiently as shown for other schools. Snack bars can also be a way for the requirements avid students or leadership students might get, such as obtaining hours of service/community service.