Its perfect timing for high school seniors to be employed

Frankie Delgado, Reporter

An essential item that is necessary for seniors growing into young adults is money. Money seems to be the root of all problems as continuing school and providing for yourself is costly. Getting a job as a senior can help build the responsibility of being an adult after high school. Many parents do not have enough money to continue to care for their children’s school which includes tuition, books, and clothes. It’s a perfect reason to get a job as you learn all the responsibilities about making decisions based on the short amount of money that you may have.

As senior things like prom, graduation, stole gowns, dues, and more can make a huge dent in your parent’s wallet. This is why you should help out. Now that you are old enough and able to get a job, you can help relieve your parents stress by helping with the bills, car gas, groceries, and many more things. A job requires dedication and effort so that the service provider gets you your money. There’s is absolutely no excuse to not get a job since there is a variety of places that are indeed open and looking for workers. The type of work shouldn’t matter as much since you just want money. However, you should get a job that you actually like since you won’t see it as a chore.

I know many seniors who waste their time doing nothing rather than putting in the work to get paid. I think that it’s very important to invest your time into something that will pay you back in return which can be anything like stated before a job. There are a variety of jobs like a retail worker, makeup artist, painters, organizers etc. At the end of the day, a job is just beneficial to you as a human being because we constantly find ourselves needing more things. No one wants their parents to support them forever as it makes you seem lazy! Overall I know that many don’t like to work but if you want nice things or just essential items then you have to do your part to earn the money. It’s a great motivational taste as it prepares you for what the real world has in store for you.