Netflix original “To the Bone” causes controversy for some viewers


Kimberly Castellanos, Reporter

To The Bone is a Netflix Original Movie that tells the story of  a struggling anorexic 20 year old named Ellen (Lily Collins). Many viewers believe the making of this movie for the most part, was not a good move by Netflix. The way that the storyline leads on makes it dangerous and way out of context on what real eating disorders look like. Some viewers even have gone so far as wanting to ban To The Bone because  it could influence or even trigger those struggling with an eating disorder themselves. Personally, I see the viewer’s point.

This isn’t the first time Netflix has had a controversial storyline. Within the past year, Netflix has released the series “Thirteen Reasons Why”  produced by Selena Gomez. The show featured sensitive topics such as rape, suicide, bullying and more. Viewers of both Netflix series believe topics like anorexia and rape have been romanticize. There actually has been rumors of a copycat suicide like the character Hannah Baker from “ Thirteen Reasons Why”. Situations like these from the series can really affect and influence people. It just isn’t safe to be releasing these kind of series for entertainment. There is a fine line between entertainment and romanticizing serious disorders and conditions.

It is pretty unknown whether Netflix  intentionally releasing romanticized serious of course. If Netflix producers if anything,  just want to grow awareness around these types of things and probably didn’t intended to offend but, it does make me question who is giving the okay to release the series.. Did they know“ To The Bone” and “Thirteen Reasons Why” was going to become controversial? Did Netflix let it release anyways because they thought that the storyline was more interesting and would distract the audience from the controversial parts of the story?  In the end, all you can do now is learn and be aware of what they are releasing and decide on your own if it is okay to be releasing a series like “To The Bone”.