You do the crime, you pay the time.
Colton High Schools In-house suspension program is a “class” students are sent to during any time of the day for disciplinary issues. Many students think In-house suspension is for students to go around and chill because they don’t want to be inside of class and do work. In-house suspension is one period long, unless you do something really bad which you have to stay there all day (even throughout lunch) and do your work.
But is the system really effective? Does it deter students from ditching, or other bad behavior?
The answer is a resounding No. The class really doesn’t change you because it doesn’t teach you anything, it just punishes you for your bad choices. It’s probably not even worth it because of how much time you have to spend doing nothing and being bored. Just because it’s easier, it’s worse than being suspended because you have to stay there and be watched.
In-house might be effective to some students but not all. A few students continue to show lack of respect and be defiant, even considering the rules there are less strict. It doesn’t really change your mind and yourself from doing bad things.
There are some ways to alter behavior, such as being more strict or giving you assignments to complete. The disciplinary class seems to be a waste of time.