One out of five American women have been the victim of attempted or completed rape. Let me say that again: ONE OUT OF FIVE.
However, 97% of rapists never spend a single day in jail for their crime. This is because; rape is the only crime victims are blamed for the assault. They often get asked questions like: what were you wearing? Were you drinking? And statements like “she was asking for it.” And this is how rape because some sort of normality, a culture in which rape is “normal”.
Now, this is complete malarkey. They way Americans treat rape cases do not suit the crime. The reason I feel they are not treated correctly is because as I said before only 97% of rapists don’t spend a day in jail, and they 3% that do only spend even a day in jail. Victims of rape are forever suffering; rape victims suffer from things like nightmares, even depression. Most cases rape victims even say they can remember the smell of the area or the aroma of the man. This something we should pay more attention to. I believe rape culture would not exist if we stopped judging rape victims and saying such things like it’s their fault or maybe you shouldn’t have been doing this.
We need to stop teaching women how not to get raped and teach men how not to rape.