For years seniors in high schools all around America participate in a “senior prank” that is randomly picked by the student body. Most of the pranks are harmless—such easily reversible mischief as turning tables upside down, putting their class number in chalk everywhere, even smearing honey on the doorknobs.
This year was the first year that Grand Terrace High School had seniors. Their prank was less of a prank and more of a crime. They cemented the girls bathroom doors shut, put bleach, goldfish and a mattress in the pool, they even went to the extent of tagging up the school. What did they tag all over the school you ask? They drew obscene pictures on the walls.
For some reason these students thought it was funny to cement the girl’s bathrooms shut. This type of vandalism is not easily reversible, and to fix it comes with quite a price tag. The average fee to take cement off of about six doors is $179.00. To drain and refill the pool will run about $450. To paint over all the tagging will cost the district about $200 in paint and labor. It all adds up.
Colton AP Vic Schiro Talked about how Grand Terrace students were extremely wrong-headed in what they did. The consequences for students here at CHS, if they were to do this same sort of prank, would be huge. Not only would senior activities be taken away but Schiro would take it out on all classes. Schiro says he knows the difference between fun and vandalism; he was once a teenager and even at a young age he would know how irresponsible that prank was.
Beside the obscene drawings on the walls there were also mulitple graffiti that bad-mouthed GT. From that a rumor was starting saying that Colton students were the cause of this terrible prank. Not only is this accusation inaccurate but it hurt Schiro personally. “They (GT) were once Colton students, so yes, they’re right, in a roundabout way,” Schiro allows. But he feels strongly about his Colton students and the pride they carry and knows they had no part in it.
Thank you, Grand Terrace students, for demonstrating what NOT to do for senior prank. Some say GT did this to out-do Colton High’s senior pranks. we can all say they won –but not for the best senior prank, but for the dumbest.