Amazon Rainforest fires
December 17, 2019
Recently, this year there has been a major fire outbreak in the world’s biggest rainforest. The Amazon Rainforest was home to over 30 million people. The reason why the rainforest caught on fire was because of deforestation going on in Brazil. Deforestation is clearing a large area of trees. To get rid of the already cut down trees they decided to set them on fire. The reason for the clearing was for agriculture. It is very common with large area of trees. The wind must have picked up the fires and moved it further into the Amazon which caused the outbreak of the fire in the rainforest.
The rainforest played a huge part in the Earth’s oxygen. The Amazon produced more than 20 percent. It is also said that more than half of the Earth’s species of plants and animals living in the rainforest. Another thing that is in the Amazon is the Earth’s fresh water. One-fifth of the water is in the Amazon Basin. The Amazon is a huge part of the world’s society and if we don’t do something then we will lose more than one-fourth of our oxygen supply. If the fire burns down the whole Amazon Rainforest then the rainforest would be called a rainforest the whole ecosystem would change into an entirely different one.
Since the rainforest is home to many species and if it burns down entirely then those species would most likely those animals would disappear from the whole area. When the Amazon burns down then it will release a huge amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere. In 2016, when only 0.2% of the rainforest had burned 30 million tons of carbon dioxide was released. The reason why carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere is bad is because it is considered a “greenhouse gas”. A greenhouse gas is bad because that is what causes global warming and climate change which is a very bad thing for the Earth. If the rainforest burns down it might take hundreds of years for the trees that were that big to grow back. To stop more fires, the area by the amazon would have to stop deforestation. That is what is happening in the Amazon and what will happen to the future if it burns down entirely.