Sri Lanka suffering from numerous attacks
May 30, 2019
This past Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka, a country located in South Asia, more than 250 people died due to suicide bombs. These bombs were located in or near hotels, churches and throughout other parts of three cities. On Wednesday, three of the bombers were named and were confirmed by authorities. The bomber that bombed the Kingsbury Hotel was identified as Mohammed Azam Mohammed Mubarak, the bomber that bombed St. Anthony’s Shrine was Alawudeen Ahmed Muwath, and the other bomber that bombed St. Sebastian’s Church was Achchi Mohamadhu Mohamadhu Hasthun.
Beside their name and the locations they choose to target, nothing else is known about them. It is said that two brothers and one of their wives were also involved in the bombing. One of the brothers, Inshaf Ibrahim, was one of the men that carried out his plan to bomb the luxury Cinnamon Grand Hotel. The other brother, Ilham also targeted a hotel nearby. The name of this hotel is Shangri-La Hotel. That same day but later in the afternoon, the wife of Illham set off another bomb that killed several children and three police officers that were around at that time that she set it to go off.
It is said that the alleged person behind the whole plan is Zahran Hashim, he is from the eastern Sri Lankan town of Kattankudy. He also targeted the Shangri-La Hotel. Another bomber, Mohamed Nazar Mohamed Azad, is from the town of Kattankudy. There was a ninth bomber named Abdul Latheef Jameel Mohammed, he also was going to target a larger hotel, Taj Hotel but ended targeting a smaller hotel near a zoo in Colombo and killed two people. So far around 115 victims have been returned with their families so that they can have a proper burial. There is still around 50 or more bodies waiting to be identified in the morgue. Most of these identified bodies aren’t full bodies, it is said that it’s just a couple of body parts. “There are two parts of a cheek –- one cheek with an ear, one with some scalp and an ear. That could be two people,” said Ajith Tennakoon, the head of the Institute of Toxicology. Sadly, right now Sri Lanka is still suffering from these attacks.