Canned food drive is here!

November 7, 2015
Do you know what is starting November 2nd and ending November 12th? Our Annual Canned Food Drive is starting!
The way it works is your 2nd period teacher will sign up with the ASB adviser saying that you will participate in the competition. If your class wins you will win a Pizza Dilly Pizza Party, Second place winner will get an Ice Cream Party, and the Third place winner will get Donuts.
This competition is not for your teacher to bribe you with extra credit to bring in cans, this competition is for you to think about someone other than yourself and give back to the people who do not have as much as you do. Events like this come from the kindness of your heart, not because something comes out of it in the end for you. So bring those cans in, help someone who is less fortunate than you, and maybe you’ll get some pizza!