Who Will Make Our Future Better?
October 1, 2015
Who will be our new president of 2016 be? The nominees Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. Donald Trump the runner up against Sanders has “the worst record of the entire field with the possible expectations of Sanders of economic growth policies” as stated in the article by Daniel Strauss. Trump was then recorded at a press conference saying “When people from Mexico send their people here, they are not sending their best they are sending people with problems bringing drugs and crime to our streets here in the U.S.” because of that comment, it showed us Bernie Sanders has a better chance at winning the election.
As for the other candidate Bernie Sanders he made his first appearance in March stating that “I am ready to run for president” and also “I haven’t woken up with the burning desire to be president of the United States.” Bernie Sanders has also promised to raise the minimum wage which is $7.25 an hour. Sanders calls this earning a “starvation wage and should raise it to $15 an hour”. Sanders has also extended the medicare plan to all. He also called the campaign system “corrupt” and vowed that if elected, his Supreme Court nominee would have to promise to overturn Citizens United, a ruling that allowed unlimited amounts of money to be poured in elections. So for your 2016 President of the United States… who will you vote for? Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders?