The newspaper, a printed publication consisting of folded unstapled sheets and containing news, features articles, advertisements, and correspondence. The Pepper Bough, Colton high school’s newspaper. The school newspaper was founded in 1917 and in four short years, it’ll be one hundred years since Colton high has been publishing for the Pepper Bough.
Unfortunately, due to financial troubles of our school and budget cuts, we are no longer able to publish paper copies every few weeks as you, especially us seniors, may remember. That doesn’t mean that the Pepper Bough is out of work and that you don’t get to read the newspaper anymore, if you enjoyed doing so. Like many city newspapers this day and age, we are available on the internet. Each reporter on our staff is assigned to compose an article every week, to which we publish onto the Pepper Bough website ( We are very proud to say that just this year; we have published over 200 articles to our website. That’s about one story a day. In the near future, we hope to have many more hits on our website and that checking our website for updates becomes a daily routine for students. This could be easily done by following us on Twitter (@PepperBough), we even follow back and no, we don’t stalk your tweets.
We know that reading newspaper articles on your phone or computer isn’t as fun as getting the newspaper delivered to your classroom and having a hard copy to keep for yourself, but everyone loves the internet and it’s beneficial to the world’s trees.