Synergy means when two or more things come together and work together. Last year Microsoft Word teacher Steven Boone came together with Cathy Estes to help the students of Colton High School come together as a whole. Now under the respected care of history teacher Deborah Villegas, Synergy Day is going to expand and be more active.
Many clubs picked random members who were interested, and alongside of Estes, were trained in order to become peer leaders. We learned how to be a proper advocate of S.O.L.E.R. This acronym stands for Sit square, Open body language, Lean in, Eye contact, Relax. These are the steps used by really good listeners. Apart from these steps we also learned how to include others, going and sitting with any and every one. Our duty was to make sure everyone got as much out of the day as possible.
Throughout the past Synergy Days there have been many tears, but it’s a gratifying experience. The first two days we hosted here at CHS have been for any student from all four grades; the first of this school year was for freshman only. Villegas incorporated the new leadership here on campus, Link Crew, in with the past members of synergy.
Link Crew helps freshman feel welcome and comfortable in the new and bigger school. Villegas thought it’d be a wonderful experience for the upperclassmen from both groups to interact with them via the Synergy Day.
Future Synergy Days will not only be for freshman but any and every one who would like to participate.