Sam Smith’s “The Thrill Of it All”

Kimberly Castellanos, Reporter

On November 3rd, Sam Smith released his second album “The Thrill Of It All” and debuted at the top of charts. Sam said to Billboard, “I went through, like, this vortex, came out. I feel like I’ve rebuilt myself as a stronger thing and I’m just gonna go into the vortex again… I wasn’t trying to make a big pop record when I made this album. I was actually trying to make something personal like a diary.”


Nowadays people will listen to what others listen to, dress the same, speak the same, etc. The music industry is not that different in the sense that they will put out what their fans want to hear and not what they want to release because that certain style sells. Sam Smith didn’t do that with his music and still made it at the top of the charts. Musicians are better off putting out music that speaks to them and if their fans don’t like it then that’s okay because not everyone will like it.


In Sam’s album he speaks of love, family, and more. But he connects to his music in each and every song. Music should be created by musicians that connect to their music and fans.