We need to understand the integral role of bees in society

Vanessa Villanueva, Reporter

Have you ever realized just how significant of a role bees play in your life? They may have seemed pesky at one point or another by interrupting your outdoor experiences with their curious buzzing but these little creatures have actually done much more than what you give them credit for.

As pollinators, bees are responsible for the continuing existence of 85% of the plants we know today. This means that without their work we would not have access to the variety of food we have now such. The limitation that would pose is significant as bees are responsible for pollinating 70 out of 100 crop species that 90% of our human population depends on. The variety of food you see in your grocery stores is all thanks to these hardworking bees.

However, even with our knowledge of how vital they are to the way of life of the entirety of our human population, we are leading them to their extinction. The bee population has been suffering a decline for about a decade  and observations lead to human activity being the cause. The main threats that our society creates on a domestic level for bees is by using pesticides and chemically charged fertilizers that harm the health of bees, leading to their death.

The most effective methods for becoming a part of the solution to this problem are not as simple as buying more honey. On the contrary, rather than give your money to these corporations that exploit bees, invest in a flower garden that benefits your native bees. We all have plants in our yards so by making sure that we avoid using pesticides and use organic fertilizers, we can help these bees thrive again.