Drugs are Lurking at Every Corner

Gorge Serrano, Reporter

Some people don’t take drug use as serious as before. Central nervous system (CNS) stimulants, CNS depressants, and hallucinogens are most common today. Almost anyone can get the hold of drugs in our age as technology exists such as the internet (sold through the dark web). Marijuana isn’t as hard to obtain anymore as it is legal now in many states for medicinal use. If you are over 18 and have a medical card you can purchase marijuana legally in some states. Drugs aren’t a joke as people make it seem; people have ruined their careers and even their lives.


People do drugs for multiple reasons: boredom, relaxation, experimentation, or the worst reason- to fit in. After people lose everything and have depression, it’s easy to turn to drugs. Drugs like Marijuana have positive effects to people who need it. It helps people sleep by easing insomnia and letting you breath better while you sleep. Drugs shouldn’t be consumed because of peer pressure, depression or boredom.  Consumption of drugs during pregnancy can lead to birth defects and consumption at an early age can lead to developmental issues.