“Hey do you want to hang out this weekend?” “Sorry I can’t… I have to work.” This line is becoming more and more used by students in high school as they take on jobs to pay for their wants and needs. Though these student want jobs while in high school, the question is, do they actually need them? Money is very convenient to have, especially when you are young. You can spend the money you earned on whatever you want, but it will cost you more to earn it than to have it.
Most students as they develop into adults realize that there are more things they must pay for and the price for the things they need increases. When having things such as nice clothes, food, school supplies, a phone, or even a car, you start to see the cost of everything getting higher and higher.
Money consumes time and effort and will affect many things in your life. Sacrifices will have to be made to obtain a job, such as time with your friends and family, and even personal hobbies you enjoy doing. When working you do not get to choose your schedule, your employer makes it for you and you are expected to work those scheduled hours or you will lose your job. There is the exception that you are in school and cannot work during school hours, but the employer can still schedule you after school or on weekends.
Being an employed high school student, there are certain rules that you as well as the employer have to follow. While in school the student cannot stay past 10:30 pm or be scheduled more than 25 hours a week (unless 18 years old). If the student is not 18 years old, he or she must acquire a workers permit from the school and this keeps the student as well as the employer informed on these rules. There are still few employers and student workers that break these rules because of the needed help or just the desire to make more money.
Though making money is seen as a good thing by students, working can have many bad effects on them such as school grades lowering, fatigue while in school and after work, and a decreased desire to come to school because of exhaustion.
Having a job while in high school can even be good thing for students. Having a job will teach you responsibility, let you see how life is outside of their school/home, and give you the experience you need to get a better job once outside of high school.
Learning responsibility is the key to maintaining these two parts of your student life. It is great for students to be getting these jobs outside of high school. So if your are bummed that your friend cannot hang out with you because they work, just remember they are learning values and responsibility that is preparing them for when they are on their own.