You may not be who you think you are–at least, astrologically. That’s because the familiar 12 signs of the Zodiac have been given a 21st century update.
The Zodiac signs/horoscopes have been used for centuries by people to learn about their personalities and how they will live their lives, but now 2000 years later these Zodiac signs have been updated giving people new identities and meanings to their lives. Yeah that’s right, after about 2000 years the Earth’s rotation and position of the constellations have shifted causing the Zodiac constellations to be off by about a half a month. This means we are not the Zodiac sign we believe we are.
This may be a big concern to those who live their lives based off their horoscope. It is almost like being given a completely new identity, but there are those who could care less about this change. The Zodiac signs and dates were updated by the Minnesota Planetarium Society and can be found on many Zodiac horoscope websites. The phenomenon that is the source of this change is called precession which is a change in the orientation of the rotational axis of a rotating body. Simply meaning as the Earth revolves around the sun it will change it’s degree of rotation, kind of like a spinning top. This idea of precession was first developed by the Greek astronomer, Hipparchus Nicea, around 130 B.C.
In addition to the Zodiac sign dates being changed, another sign has been added. Yes, there are now 13 Zodiac Signs. Being created by the Babylonians about 2000 years ago, the new sign isn’t so new. Ophiuchus, the snake holder, has been added to the 12 taking the place of Sagittarius, Nov. 29- Dec. 17. You can read and learn about this new sign again on major Zodiac horoscope websites.
So why didn’t astrologist make this update along time ago? Well, compared to the technology the people had back then to our technology today, we are able to determine the location of constellations with greater precision. Even the exact dates these constellation appear on in the night sky can be determined with our new technology.
You don’t have to accept this change of your horoscope if you don’t want to but you could be a completely different person in reality. Many people believe we read these horoscopes and force ourselves to live by them. Are we living a lie or are we truely who we are? We could possibly be pretending to be someone we are not. Who knows…