The team is 4th and goal and there are only five seconds on the clock, enough for one more play to win the game, to win it all. The air is filled with anxiousness, the crowd is dead silent, the players are exhausted from a long, hard game, everything is on the line. Its all or nothing and you hear in the back of your head, the tenseness in the announcer’s voice .
For three years now you have heard his voice if you’ve ever been to a Friday night football game here at Colton High School. Following every second of the game, have you wondered who is that person? Well that person is Harry Holmes, staff member Valerie Holmes’ husband.
Harry has been the announcer to every home football game here at Colton, keeping the crowd entertained and alive up in the stands. He is a humble man with an honest way of life; he does not get paid for his services every Friday, and nor will he ask for any type of pay, the job itself is reward enough to him.
This being a fun job to him, I ask him what his favorite part of the whole experience was and his answer was simply, “The hard work the team puts in with every drive to win a game.”
Harry Holmes: staff member Valerie Holmes’ husband, father of three Colton High School alumni, “Kira, class of 2001; Katie, class of 2004; and Tyler, class of 2011.” Harry Holmes: A valued member of the Colton community and one without whom the football games would not be as enjoyable.