An evidently popular chain letter that has been circulating since 2006 on websites such as Facebook and Myspace tells a haunting story of a former high school student, Carmen Winstead. According to this tale, the 17 year old girl was supposedly shoved down a sewer and ultimately killed by a group of girls from her school. The message claims that Carmen’s ghost returned to exact revenge on the bullies and continues her rampage from the grave to this day by killing anyone who does not believe her story.
Fortunately, the assertions in the disturbing message are said to be complete nonsense and fictional. There is neither evidence nor record of a person named Carmen Winstead dying in the horrific manner described in the message. In addition, no references of unexplained teenage deaths relating to sewers, broken necks, and disfigured faces is known, therefore, the events told in the story are false.
In spite of its long run, individuals have finally realized the story is actually a hoax with its primary goal of becoming a replication and of course to hopefully get a good scare out of you. So in the meantime, just in case this urban legend managed to frighten you, it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to stay away from sewers for a while!