Sure high school is a tough stage to go through for some of us, but college is an even greater step we must take to be that someone whom you want to be identified as. In order to get to college you must prepare early down the road. That road begins your freshmen year of high school. Rumor has it that your freshmen year grades are not looked at by colleges or universities, but in reality those grades reflect your remaining three years.
How to check if you’re right on track for college is making sure you successfully complete the “A-G” Requirements (UC & CSU requirements). Also make sure you check informational sites that will also help you gain some knowledge on how to apply or what to expect when you do apply. They will let you know when application deadlines are, and other deadlines for important tests like the ACT and the SAT.
– This site is a very helpful and informative site, which prepares you for such test as the SAT and lets you apply to receive a test date. Yes the test cost money but you can fill out a form for a fee waiver or you can receive a fee waiver from your current school. You can receive a form to see if you qualify in the counseling office.
– This site helps you plan for CSU’s and apply to such schools. It cuts down the amount of stress and informs you about when deadlines to some schools are due. It makes applying to college a simple step instead of having to panic over small things. You must make a profile which you well have to fill out with personal information, and then they will match schools that are relevant to the information that was filled out.
If you have trouble figuring out how you’re going to pay for college, there are such things as; scholarships, financial aid, and grants. Scholarships are very simple to find. All you have to do is look them up on the internet and check which apply to you. Wouldn’t you want to go to school for free, well if you do make sure to earn good grades to achieve a high GPA. Different schools ask for different GPA’S and having good grades does pay off. It is logical, if you do the right things, you’ll become successful. Even if you’re not a senior in high school it’s never too early to start planning for college. You can also start applying for scholarships so when your time comes to go to college you will have scholar ships waiting for you. So remember to check up with your counselor every once in a while and also contact people whom you know of that are in college to hear what they have to say.