Teacher of the week-Terry Garcia

Adriana Flores, Reporter

Name: Terry M. Garcia

Subjects taught: Chemistry

Currently resides: Room 66 from August to June

Motto: “Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it… and it will come at a cost.”

Inspiration: “Opportunities to innovate me.”

Favorite Quote: “’Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else.’”- J.M. Barrie

Hobbies: Mountain bike riding, reading, cooking, learning new things

Bad Habit: Buy’s not needed things

Favorite Restaurant: Tiny café on the Amalfi Coast

Favorite Drink: “Any kind that makes the food taste better.”

Car in Garage: Yes

Favorite TV programs:  

  1. Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown
  2. Food Network’s Chopped
  3. Iron Chef
  4. House Hunters International