‘A series of unfortunate events’ gets a second season on netflix

April 11, 2018
On March 30th, 2018, the A Series Of Unfortunate Events series on Netflix got a second season. It added 10 episodes that were about an hour long. Anyone who read the books already knows how the story goes, and how it concludes. So, was the second season good? In my opinion, I loved it. I thought Nathan Fillion did a great job at playing Jacques Snicket, and I think they did a good job not only because of the actors but the music. Not only the intro theme, but the music in the episodes were amazing. I also think I loved it because it is only getting to the good part of the story, and the wheels are really rolling. Also, the cliffhangers. Good lord does Lemony Snicket know how to do a cliffhanger. The only other series to make me be excited about the next episode was The Flash. I think the second season was amazing.