“The Other Woman,” written and directed by Don Roos, is based on another movie called “Love and Other Impossible Pursuits,” by Ayelet Waldman. This movie is a comedy and somewhat romantic. It’s announced as a PG-13 movie but we highly recommend that children under 12 shouldn’t watch this movie due to the profanity and the use of certain words and some scenes that are a bit too strong for children.
Other than that we liked this movie very much. It’s about a woman named Carly (played by Cameron Diaz) who is sleeping with a man named Mark (played by Nikolaj CosterWaldau) who she spends lots of time with. Then later finds out that he is married to a woman named Kate (Leslie Mann.) They soon become friends and make a plan of revenge. They follow him to his “business trip” to the beach they soon find out that he had another misters named Amber (Kate Upton). She soon joins their plan. They make a fool of him and they soon discover that Mark has been embezzling from various companies at his workplace and has been using Kate’s names under all his paper work. So in the end went they all face him Carly works with all of his infidelities they have discovered and embezzlement; with Carly as her attorney, Kate demands a divorce. Kate reveals that she has returned the embezzled money back to the companies, which helps Mark avoid prison but leaving him bankrupt. On top of this, Mark’s business partner Nick arrives and fires Mark upon the discovery of the crime and in addition offers Kate to take over her former husband’s job in appreciation of her honesty.
“The Other Woman” was funny and you were to watch it you would think it was funny too. We think it was a hilarious movie and we would definitely watch it again. We give it two thumbs up and in a rating in stars we give it a 4.5.