Songs of 2022 – Myles Garza
Myles shares his top songs of 2022
2022 was a great year in music. Myles and Mr. Dollins look back on their faves.
December 7, 2022
Alien Superstar – Beyonce
One of one, number one, the only one. She’s so big, she’s extraterrestrial. Beyonce’s an Alien Superstar. After considering everything Earth has to offer, when is it right to go elsewhere? Being so big she’s her own species, so high up to even be touched. Wall boosting her ego, “Alien Superstar” is also an homage to ballroom and African-American culture. With an ending monologue from Barbara Ann Teer about being unapologetically black can also be interpreted through an LGBTQ lens about being unapologetically queer.
Titi Me Pregunto – Bad Bunny
From headlining a stadium tour to having one of the biggest albums of the year, it was Bad Bunny’s year. Everyone and their mother was in love with “Titi Me Pregunto.” Radio, the gym, even Pottery Barn: Bad Bunny was there. “Titi Me Pregunto” is the shining track on his latest album—an anthem for any occasion, with never a dull moment.
Walkin – Denzel Curry
Walk: “to move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once.” A walk is a nice way to clear your mind of all your life’s problems. Denzel Curry’s walk is different, though. It’s not his body, but his mind strolling through rising topics. A small productive walk turns into a full on sprint in the middle of the song, tackling the system that he grew up in by detailing his experiences.
ALL MINE – Brent Faiyaz
A toxic love story between two people, a wasteland. The irony of “ALL MINE” is how on Faiyaz’s latest album, “WASTELAND,” it follows the track “SKIT: EGOMANIAC.” The tones of titles on WASTELAND tell a story of a toxic relationship. To go from an abutment about being a self-centered egomaniac to a song in a way apologizing, flexing how his girl is all his and won’t leave him. Other than the backstory, if you take the track literally, it is one of the best love songs of the year. Seeing couples being posted to this song in a way made me envy the song a little bit. No matter my stance on it, when it’s being played I can’t help but sing along.
Face No Book – Heembeezy
With it being my last summer as a kid, going out was essential. The goal was simple: either plan something fun, or plan for nothing everyday. “Face No Book” seemed to always be playing when I was out. I don’t even remember where I first heard the song or where I was. Heembeezy does nothing special musically when it comes to this track. It’s the replay value of it which makes it so great. All I know is that whenever it came on, everyone was rapping for 2 minutes and 25 seconds. I’m pretty sure when I hear this one years from now, I’ll remember those lazy last summer days before my senior year.
Twin Flame – KAYTRANADA, Anderson .paak
Dance/house music had a grip on me this year with it being played almost everyday. KAYTRANADA was on repeat, especially with his latest release, “Twin Flame.” That signature KAYTRANADA style is evident on this hot track, one many people have been waiting for since it was teased.
Bad Habit – Steve Lacy
The rise in Tik Tok boosting songs has never been more prevalent than in 2022. “Bad Habit” is the song of the year anywhere and everywhere. This hook has been stuck in my head since June. Everywhere I go I hear “I wish I knew you wanted me“ somewhere in the distance. Steve Lacy lays down the catchiest hook of the year with the mellow guitar style fans have come to love.
Count Me Out – Kendrick Lamar
When “Mr. Morale and The Big Steppers” released, I wasn’t impressed by “Count Me Out.” Just seemed to me as another deep Kendrick song that I, a 17-year old, couldn’t relate to. But after getting the opportunity to see “Count Me Out” performed live changed my take on it. A shadow casting an injured Kendrick with arrows in his back, reflecting the pain he’s gone through with the opening verse. The imagery as a whole of “Mr. Morale and The Big Steppers” is a sight to see, making it one of my favorite albums to come out of 2022.
Where I Go (feat. H.E.R) – NxWorries
This is the much anticipated return from music superduo NxWorries. I’ve been waiting since 2016 for a follow up to their debut album “Yes Lawd!” Not being able to go anywhere without someone carrying is a common theme. It’s about a toxic love son of sorts, something NxWorries specializes in.
Blind – SZA
When looking back at the year of music to make this list, I got a notification. The long-awaited sophomore album from SZA had been announced via a trailer on her socials. Accompanied with the trailer was a 2:30 song, “Blind.” On first listen, the aroma of her voice took over me. It was the feeling of seeing a family member you haven’t seen in awhile. Venting on a seashore with only you and the waves. “Blind” isn’t only relatable, but visual. Every sound has a purpose coinciding with the lyrics. Although “Blind” has only been out for a short time, it is fit for reflecting on how we’ve grown as individuals in 2022.