Leslie Huerta


Set in the future, Bong Joon Ho’s 2013 film Snowpiercer takes a very interesting aim at social commentary through its plot. Alongside its amazing cast, including; Chris Evans, Tilda Swinton, Octavia Spencer, Kang-ho Song, and many other incredibly talented actors.


This two hour film is packed with action along with suspense and drama.  The Sci-Fi film is set in the future where climate change has impacted the world, causing a high portion of the world to go extinct. However, those who successfully survived the extinction have boarded the Snowpiercer, which is a train that travels the globe.

Joon Ho’s introduction of social commentary sprouted very quickly into the film, introducing a class system within the train which is where our main protagonist is found. Curtis (played by Chris Evans) is found at the back of the train, which is notably known as the ‘lower class’.

The development of the film is set when we find out the main motive of the characters is to begin a revolution against the higher class.  Joon Ho’s films such as Oscar Winning Parasite do a really good job at providing underlying themes of social commentary. Snowpiercer is no exception.