DC makes another comeback with its new movie Shazam

DC makes another comeback with its new movie Shazam

Alfred Enriquez, Reporter

I will be giving a review on DC’s newest movie, Shazam.  Shazam is a great superhero movie and is one of the best DC movies in the recent years. The concept of Shazam is about a kid who has gained powers from six gods.  The writing was done well and was filled with a lot of humor.  At times, it was a family film; however, some points in the film were much darker as DC films usually are.  The story is about a 14-year-old named Billy Batson, portrayed by Asher Angel, who gets to turn into a superhero whenever he says the word, “Shazam!” His friend, Freddy Freeman, portrayed by Jack Dylan Grazer, teaches him how to use his powers and what to do in case of an emergency.  The effects are done greatly and are some of the best parts of this movie. Mark Strong, as Dr. Sivanna, is very menacing, powerful, and, most of all, sympathetic. The character development doesn’t just stop at the heroes but continues over so for the villains. I recommend this movie and this film is definitely a representation of what DC can do.  First Aquaman, and now Shazam, DC is truly making a comeback.  My overall rating of the film is 8/10.