Disney’s Coco Teaches a Lesson to Children Around the World
January 23, 2018
Coco is a disney/pixar film that has educated young kids all around the world on the importance of keeping a tradition — The Day of the Dead. Disney used emotional diction to get an audience’s attention by explaining his ancestor’s life who loved a musician and left her with a baby to play music. Eventually started her own shoe business and banned generations of her family from ever listening or playing music. On the Day of the Dead Miguel’s abuelita has found out that he has been playing music and breaks his guitar making him run away and in the process took his aunt’s picture off of her ofrenda. An ofrenda is when you leave a person’s favorite food on the Day of the Dead with their picture so that their soul can pass over. Coco was beautiful and colorful, it’s animation was incredibly detailed and cultural. Coco is the most heartwarming movie, with the greatest plot twist.