Overwatch worth hours of gameplay
June 1, 2016
Throughout its entirety of development, no game has had as much hype and stayed consistently enjoyable to play as Overwatch. The newest game from storied PC developer Blizzard Entertainment, brings forth a newcomer to consoles that hopes to bring in a roster of 21 different characters in order to wage war in 6v6 tactical battles. Due to Blizzard Entertainment’s track record, Overwatch is set to use what others have tried to create, but expand and create it on a much larger scale.
Overwatch is a first person shooter game that allows players to choose between 21 distinct characters in classes that include attack, defense, tank, and support. It allows a sense of diversity in character selection when in a 6v6 matchup. The option of changing your character every time you respawn also allows a sense of adaptation based on how the game plays out. The game is not inherently complex to comprehend, but it is deep in learning how each character plays. The wide selection encourages you to try new tactics and learn people’s abilities to further suit specific situations in gamemode. If you want to run and gun, characters such as Reaper, who can run around with his dual wielding shotguns to mow down anything that gets in his way. On the contrary, if you like to stay back, it is more beneficial to use someone like Widowmaker, who can stay back and snipe from afar.
The similarities between Overwatch and games like Team Fortress two are warranted due to their class based combat and cartoonish art style. But, it is through its deeper emphasis on diverse characters and obvious charm; Overwatch is enjoyable to play, creates an interesting world, and is something you can put hours on end into playing.