The movie “Noah,” directed by Darren Aronofsky and written by Aronofsky and Ari Handel, is about a man who was chosen by his maker (God) to undertake a momentous mission to rescue the innocent before an apocalyptic flood cleanses the wicked from the world. Quite a tall order, but if you’re Russel Crowe, you can probably pull it off.
Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, and Anthony Hopkins all star in this production. The movie reviewer David Denby said,”In a single sequence, Arnonfsky combines creationism, Darwinian evolution, original sin, the end of days. And radical environment.” He liked the way the movie was put together. But does Noah have anything to offer, entertainment wise, to the typical teen moviegoer?
We wanted to say from our own experience that this movie had its share of violence, but also showed the emotion and religion in the people and things on earth. The characters are very devout towards God and thought that everything living on earth is all from God and should be respected and cared for. But don’t let all the religion fool you, this movie has a lot of action and blood. Although this movie is rated PG-13 we highly recommend that if you have a weak stomach do not watch this movie.
Basically the message in this movie is condemning both humanity and civilization. Aronosfsky’s message to us modern folks is clear: we, too, have corrupted our world, just as the antediluvian humans (save Noah) did theirs.